Training with Marta
Marta Varee Pearson
Trauma specialist, speaker, author, and coach
Stress is a Marble - Spin It Your Way
Stress doesn't just suddenly appear.
There are cumulative events that lead to stress.
And talking about 'good' stress vs. 'bad' stress
is the same as talking about 'good' and 'bad' poison.
'Good' poison doesn't exist & neither does 'good' stress.
Move past 'managing or eliminating' stress.
Embrace "preventing" stress altogether.
Yes, it is truly possible to learn & use skills that lead to a stress-free life.
For details go to the "Stress Free Living" information 1-sheet
The Extraordinary REALITY
of CHANGE as an ALLY
We don't wear the same clothes everyday
nor eat the same foods at every meal.
That's change.
That's why change is not an enemy.
Change is an ally.
Learn the 7 elements of change
that make it a necessity of living.
Details at "Managing Change" 1-sheet
Before Success
begin with a
Dream - move to a
Vision - continuing with setting
Goals - & with hard work achieve
Success is NOT an event or moment in time.
Success is a PROCESS.
We'll move from
a dream to a vision, to a goal and
onward to ultimate success.
Along the way we will explore all the components needed:
measurable objectives
wants & needs
desire & means
timetables, routes & supports.
Details at "Visioning" 1-sheet
Already contacted my Principal. Randall (MS) wants you to present for Teacher University and for
AVID Family Night."
Dr. Lori Beth Bradner
Lithia FL
"Best training this agency has ever offered."
"I can't say how much you and what you share with the world
has changed my life!!!
Amazing presentation this evening!"
Kate Bodey, Olympia WA
"The formulas have been life changing. Explanations clear & easy to apply."
"Marta speaks from a lifetime of personal experience
& education.
She speaks knowledgeably, energetically
& convincingly. She interests people in her topic & is able to move them to action.
I highly recommend Marta as a speaker & workshop leader.
Rev. J. Bradbury Mitchell, Minister Emeritus, Brunswick
"a new, exciting way to see oneself."
"Metaphors, examples, EVERYTHING! Amazing! Would like a full hour professional development with staff."
Tampa FL
What power."
Esteem: Core & Foundation
In all the workshops attended or articles read
did anyone ever define "esteem" or "self esteem"?
Little causes me more frustration than hearing someone talk about "building" esteem.
Think about it. What can be built can be torn down.
Bust the "esteem" building myth.
It's the core of who we are and the foundation of life.
Come learn more.
For details go to the "Esteem: Core & Foundation" information 1-sheet
Trust: a Paradigm Shift
For details go to the "Trust: a Paradigm Shift" information 1-sheet
We all want to trust. At times we need to trust.
Almost everyone I talk to has an issue with "trust".
All too often we experience disappointment in our attempts.
We'll start with a definition and move on to action
reacquainting you with a
Dynamic Trust Prospective that allows trust to never fail.
"A professional speaker indeed"
I was glued to her the whole program!"
Marblemount WA
Organic Communication
Have you ever had a conversation that goes round & round and ends up nowhere?
Effective Communication is a chain of clarity replication.
There is a way to communicate effectively & clearly that
gets you where you want with what you want.
Learn the 5 simple steps that work.
For details go to the "Organic Communication " information 1-sheet
Life Enhancing Skills Promoting Wellness
Explore the
definitions, concepts, skills, strategies, techniques & tools that enhance well-being in adults in their
personal & professional lives.
One can't take care of others effectively when
one doesn't take care of them-self.
For details go to the "Life Enhancement Skills" information 1-sheet
Team Strategy is essential no matter the size or type of business or organization.
From the individual entrepreneur/sole proprietor to the association committee
to the largest corporation or religious institutions -
teams are integral structures when working for a successful outcome.
for Extraordinary SUCCESS
the four components
in creating
productive teams:
Success Formula
Team Types
Team Stage
Determine your need for teams & how to use them effectively.
Evaluate the teams you plan to develop & start off with a solid foundation.
Explore your teams that already exist & re-lay the foundations that are not as solid as they need to be.
Details at "Team Development" 1-sheet
The best leaders are those who know themselves and
are able to lead by example.
Examine the elements & tools that allow a leader to:
inform, teach, guide & inspire - including
Definitions, Esteem Recognition, Effective Communication & Self-Care Techniques.
Learn also how to identify & groom potential leaders
& improve the leaders already known.
Details at "Leadership Development" 1-sheet
All who participate -
administration, managers, staff, board members, & committee members benefit.
"Marvelous communicator...humanistic & humorous."
"Marta is a persuasive, exciting, appealing speaker with a wealth of life and professional knowledge.
Even more importantly, she speaks from the powerful perspective of a person of color. I recommend her wholeheartedly as a speaker & trainer.
Reverend Amanda Aikman
PART 2 - STRESS FREE HOMES: calendars, coloring & carrots
When they say you can manage or eliminate stress -
it's the same as insuring a home after the fire or the flood.
It's a LOSS: lost of peace of mind, lost time, lost energy.
This workshop benefits parents as they learn to:
Schedule effectively
compare the benefits of time-in vs. time-outs.
Learn effective tools & strategies to divert, entertain & teach.
Develop skill in innovative, effective communicative techniques.
You absolutely can create a stress free learning environment! Come learn how.
"Extraordinary Classrooms" Part 2 - Time-in/Respect/Communication
Details at "Extraordinary Family" Seminars 1-sheet
Dynamic Parenting Skills
[bio, grand, foster, adoptive]
Licenses are required for occupations from
beauticians to morticians, to practice medicine & to wed.
Manuals are provided when we purchase a car, smart t.v. or computer.
Yet, no license is required to parent & the manual for parenting never arrives.
Explore 3 topics to re-parent themselves to become better parents:
Esteem Recognition Trust Defined for Power Organic Communication
Create an effective working manual & be the "professional Parent" you want to be.
"Extraordinary Classrooms" Part 1 - Create an Extraordinary Classroom
"Have another, I'm hungry
for more."
Protecting Children -
Keeping Them Safe
& You Sane
It's never easy to protect children -
from bumps & bruises on the playground, accidents on the road, at the pool.
Even harder to prevent abuse from either outside of the home or on the home front.
Learn a 5-Point Protection Plan they may prevent that abuse & will certainly limit
the hurt & damage if abuse does occur.
Details at "Extraordinary Family Seminars
"A wonderful, thought provoking and inspiring presentation." Worship Committee
UU Congregation,
Lake County, Eustis FL
"I came back early from vacation early for the
2nd half
of training.
I couldn't
miss it."
"Extraordinary Classrooms" Part 3 - Create an Extraordinary Classroom
they're made - not born that way
Extraordinary, healthy happy families
don't spring out of the cabbage patch
by accident of nature.
They are developed. This session explores:
Schedule effectively
Enhancing the childhood experience; from coloring to play to wacky
Definitions of family & the paradox of relatives
Steps & elements that make up & nourish an extraordinary family team
How to encourage & support open communication
Create the family you wanted as a child & expected to have as an adult.
Explore the paradigm shifting
definitions, concepts, skills, strategies, techniques & tools
that enhance the lives of adults allowing
children of all ages to experience healthy childhoods &
grow into superb adults.
Details at "Grow Extraordinary Children 1-sheet
Details at "Extraordinary Classroom" Seminars 1-sheet
Working with Parents
Successful students are the desired outcome
for parents and teachers alike.
Making that happen isn't always as
smooth a road as we want to travel.
Recognizing the value of each person & enhancing self-confidence
Definitions & elements of developing a trusting relationship
Effective & Organic Communication
Life is easier working with an ally than battling an enemy.
"Extraordinary Families Part 1 - Dynamic Parenting Skills
STRESS FREE CLASSROOMS - TRC: Time in/Respect/Communication
When they say you can manage or eliminate stress -
it's the same as insuring a house after a fire or flood.
It's a LOSS: Lost peace of mind, lost time, lost energy.
This session benefits: teachers, guidance counselors, school nurses, & administrators.
Compare the benefits of time-in vs. time-outs
Learn the behaviors of reciprocal respect
Develop skill in innovative communication techniques.
You absolutely can create a stress free learning environment! Come Learn how.
Participants will:
"Extraordinary Families Part 2- Stress Free Homes: calendars, coloring & carrots
they're made - not built that way
Extraordinary classrooms are created;
not built of mortar, whiteboards & books.
This session explores how they are developed:
Definitions & elements of an extraordinary classroom
Steps to take to develop & nourish the classroom team
Enhancing the childhood experience: from coloring to play to wacky
Create the classroom you wanted as a student & expected to have as a teacher.